What makes this course interesting?
Develop a deep understanding of foundational principles
of physics in classical mechanics and modern physics by applying these
principles to complex physical situations that combine multiple aspects of
physics rather than present concepts in isolation
Discuss, confer, and debate with classmates to explain the physical phenomena investigated in class
Design and conduct inquiry-based laboratory
investigations to solve problems through first-hand observations, data
collection, analysis and interpretation
Students learn to
• Solve problems mathematically — including symbolically (applied algebra and trigonometry, angles (degrees and radians), applied SOHCAHTOA, trig function graphs, deriving equations, reconciling multiple equations into a single function, and developing and analyzing graphical relationships - slopes (linear, quadratic, polynomial functions), area under a graph, correlation coefficients, and more)
• Design and describe experiments and analyze data and
sources of error and uncertainty
• Explain, reason, or justify answers with emphasis on
deeper, conceptual understanding
• Interpret and develop conceptual models (Vector diagrams, Free Body Diagrams, Graphs, and more)
Topics Covered:
1 and 2 Dimensional Motion (Kinematics)
Newtonian Mechanics (including rotational motion)
Energy, and Power
Impulse and Momentum
Simple Harmonic Motion (springs and pendulums)
The course is based on five Big Ideas:
• Objects and systems have properties such as mass and
charge. Systems may have internal structure.
• Fields existing in space can be used to explain
• The interactions of an object with other objects can
be described by forces.
• Interactions between systems can result in changes in
those systems.
• Changes that occur as a result of interactions are
constrained by conservation laws.
7 Science Practices:
• Use
representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve
scientific problems
• Use mathematics appropriately
• Engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or
to guide investigations within the context of the AP course
• Plan and implement data collection strategies in
relation to a particular scientific question
• Perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence
• Work with scientific explanations and theories; and
• Connect and relate knowledge across various scales,
concepts, and representations in and across domains.
Assessment Overview
Exam questions are based on learning objectives, which combine science
practices with specific content.
Section I: Multiple Choice:
50 Questions | 90 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score
• Discrete items, Items in sets, Multi-select items (two
options are correct)
Section II: Free Response:
5 Questions | 90 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score
• Experimental Design (1 question), Quantitative
/Qualitative Translation (1 question), Short Answer (3 questions, one requiring
a paragraph-length response)
Student Resources:
Course Website:
Mastering Physics – Online assignments
for problems solving provides multiple chances to master problems with instant
TIPERs – Sensemaking Tasks allow students
to apply concepts to new scenarios and make arguments for their answers
AP Level assessment
practice throughout the course