Tuesday, March 4, 2025

4. Work, Energy, & Power

Day 37, Wednesday, 3/5:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Notes Recap, Lab - KE vs Fan Angle

HW: EdPuzzle - Work and Energy - 2. Kinetic Energy, MP Ch. 10

Day 38, Thursday, 3/6:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Lab Discussion, Lab - KE vs. PE Spring

HW: MP Ch. 10

Day 39, Friday, 3/7:

Due: None

In Class: Bell Work 1-3, Lab Discussion, MP Ch. 10

HW: EdPuzzle - Work and Energy - 3. Potential Energy, MP Ch. 10, Test Study Guide

Day 40, Monday, 3/10:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 4, Notes Recap, Lab - Conservation of Energy

HW: EdPuzzle - Work and Energy - 4. Conservation of Energy, MP Ch. 10

Day 41, Tuesday, 3/11:

Due: None

In Class: Bell Work 5, QC Review, Lab Quiz - Work & Energy

HW: Test Study Guide, MP Ch. 10

Day 42, Wednesday, 3/12:

Due: MP Ch. 10

In Class: Unit Summary, Connections - Elliptical Orbits, Review and Practice

HW: Test Study Guide

Day 43, Thursday, 3/13:

Due: Test Study Guide

In Class: Test 4 - Work, Energy, & Power

HW: None

Thursday, February 20, 2025

3. Torque & Rotational Dynamics

Day 29, Friday, 2/21:
Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 1, Notes Recap, MP Ch. 8

HW: MP Ch. 8,EdPuzzle - Rotation - 2. Torque

Day 30, Monday, 2/24:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 2, Notes Recap, Lab - Rotational Equilibrium, MP Ch. 8

HW: MP Ch. 8

Day 31, Tuesday, 2/25

Due: MP Ch. 8

In Class: Bell Work 3, Notes Recap, Lab Quiz - Rotational Equilibrium, MP Ch. 7

HW: EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Moments of Inertia of Inertia of Rigid Objects with Shape, EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Parallel Axis Theorem Example, MP Ch. 7

Day 32, Wednesday, 2/26:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 4, Notes Recap, Lab - Newton’s 2nd Law of Rotation, MP Ch. 7

HW: MP Ch. 7, EdPuzzle - Rotation - 3. Rotational Dynamics

Day 33: Thursday, 2/27:

Due: Lab, EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 5, Lab Discussion, Board Work, MP Ch. 7

HW: MP Ch. 7,  Prepare for Lab Quiz

Day 34, Friday, 2/28:

Due: Prepare for Lab Quiz

In Class: Bell Work 6, Lab Quiz - Torque & Rotational Dynamics, MP Ch. 7

HW: Study for Test, MP Ch. 7, Progress Check

Day 35, Monday, 3/3:

Due: MP Ch. 7

In Class: Bell Work 7, Review for Test

HW: Progress Check

Day 36, Tuesday, 3/4:

Due: Study for Test

In Class: Test 3 - Rotational Motion

HW: EdPuzzle - Work & Energy - 1. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2. Force & Translational Dynamics

Day 13, Wednesday 1/29:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 1, Notes Recap, Identifying Forces, Free Body Diagrams (FBDs)

HW: EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 2. The Law of Inertia, MP Ch. 4

Day 14, Thursday 1/30:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 2, Notes Recap, Lab - Static Equilibrium

HW: MP Ch. 4, EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 3. The Law of Acceleration

Day 15, Friday 1/31:

Due: None

In Class: Bell Work 3, Lab - Acceleration vs. Mass on a Ramp, MP Ch. 4

HW: MP Ch. 4, EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 4. Force Pairs, EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 5. Applications of the Normal Force

Day 16, Monday, 2/3:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 4 & 5, Notes Recap, Modeling Force Pairs, MP Ch. 4

HW: MP Ch. 4, EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 6. Applications of Friction

Day 17, Tuesday 2/4:

Due: EdPuzzle, MP Ch. 4

In Class: Lab - Friction, MP Ch. 5

HW: MP Ch. 5 Problems

Day 18, Wednesday, 2/5:

Due: None

In Class: Bell Work 6, Finish Lab - Friction, Lab Quiz - Normal and Frictional Forces

HW: MP Ch. 5, Finish Friction Lab, EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 7. Applications of Tension

Day 19, Thursday, 2/6: No School

Day 20, Friday 2/7:

Due: EdPuzzle, Friction Lab

In Class: Lab - Newton's 2nd Law

HW: MP Ch. 5, Prepare for Lab Quiz

Day 21, Monday 2/10:

Due: Prep for Lab Quiz

In Class: Bell Work 7, Lab Quiz - Newton's Laws of Motion, MP Ch. 5

HW: MP Ch. 5 Problems, EdPuzzle - UCM - 1. Newton’s 2nd Law of Circular Motion, EdPuzzle - UCM - 2. Friction and Banked Turns

Day 22, Tuesday 2/11:

Due: EdPuzzle, MP Ch. 5

In Class: Lab - Banked Turns, MP Ch. 6

HW: MP Ch. 6 Problems,  EdPuzzle - UCM - 3. Vertical Circular Motion

Day 23, Wednesday 2/12:

Due: Lab Quiz revisions

In Class: Bell Work 8 & 9, Notes Recap, Lab - Mass of Jupiter

HW: MP Ch. 6 Problems, EdPuzzle - UCM - 4. Satellite Motion

Day 24, Thursday 2/13:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 10, Notes recap,   Lab Quiz - UCM & Satellite Motion

HW: MP Ch. 6 Problems, EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Center of Mass (5 videos), AP Classroom Progress Check - Unit 2

Day 25, Friday 2/14:

Due: Selected Lab to turn in

In Class: Bell Work 11, Notes Recap, MP Ch. 6

HW: MP Ch. 6, EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Center of Mass (5 videos), AP Classroom Progress Check - Unit 2

Monday, 2/17: No School - Presidents Day

Day 26, Tuesday 2/18: No School!

Day 27, Wednesday, 2/19:

Due: EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Center of Mass (5 videos)

In Class: Bell Work 12, Lab Quiz revisions, MP Ch. 6, Review for Test

HW: AP Classroom Progress Check - Unit 2

Day 28, Thursday, 2/20:

Due: AP Classroom Progress Check - Unit 2, MP Ch. 6

In Class: Test 2 - Forces & Dynamics

HW: EdPuzzle - Rotation - 1. Radians and Rotational Kinematics

Friday, January 3, 2025

1. Kinematics

Day 1, Tues. 1/7:

Due: None

In Class: Join Online Resources (Google Classroom, EdPuzzle, Mastering Physics, AP Classroom), Student Information Survey, Boardwork - motion diagrams & graphs

HW: Signed Contract, materials, EdPuzzle: "1D Motion - 1. Measurements & Units"

Class Materials:
You will need the following items for AP Physics 1:
  • A charged chromebook with you every day (chargers are welcome in class)
  • A 2+ inch, 3 ring binder (clear-view cover is preferred)
  • At least 8 dividers with tabs (Labels: Business, Kinematics, Dynamics, Momentum, Energy, Rotation, SHM, Fluids)
  • Lined paper ( small amount, loose-leaf)
  • Metric Ruler (15 -30 cm)
  • Calculator (scientific or graphing)
  • #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are preferred)
  • Eraser
  • Highlighter
  • At least 1 blue, black, and red pen (additional colors are recommended)
  • A set of dry erase markers (multi-color)

Day 2, Wed. 1/8:

Due: Signed Contract, assemble binder and course materials, EdPuzzle

In Class: Notes Recap, Lab - Motion Diagrams & Graphing

HW:  EdPuzzle: " 1D Motion - 2. Vectors", EdPuzzle: "1D Motion - 3. Graphs"

Day 3, Thurs. 1/9:

Due: EdPuzzles (2)

In Class: Notes Recap, Lab 1 Discussion (graphs, analysis)

HW: EdPuzzle: "1D Motion - 4. Kinematic Equations", MP Ch. 1 (no write up)

Day 4, Fri. 1/10:

Due: EdPuzzle, Course Materials

In Class: Bell Work 1&2, Lab 1 CER, Notes Recap, Lab - Positive vs. Negative Acceleration

HW: EdPuzzle: "1D Motion - 5. Graphical Interpretation", MP Ch. 1 (no write up)

Day 5, Mon. 1/13:

Due: EdPuzzle, MP Ch. 1 (no write up)

In Class: Bell Work 3, Lab 2 CER, Lab - Acceleration vs. Ramp Angle

HW: MP Ch. 2 (first write up), Labs 1-3 due Wednesday

Day 6, Tues. 1/14:

Due: Lag 3 graph

In Class: Bell Work 4, Lab 3 discussion, Boardwork - MP Ch. 2

HW: Labs 1-3, EdPuzzle: "2D Motion - 1. Trigonometry", MP Ch. 2 (first write up)

Day 7, Wed. 1/15:

Due: EdPuzzle, Labs 1-3

In Class: Boardwork - MP Ch. 2 Problems, Lab Quiz - 1D Motion, Notes Recap

HW: EdPuzzle - "2D Motion - 2. Projectiles", MP Ch. 2 (first write up)

Day 8, Thurs. 1/16:

Due: EdPuzzle

In Class: Bell Work 5, Note Recap, Demo - 2D Motion, Lab - Horizontal Projectile

HW: EdPuzzle: "2D Motion - 3. Kinematic Equations in 2D", MP Ch. 2 (first write up)

Day 9, Fri. 1/17:

Due: MP Ch. 2 (first write up), EdPuzzle

In Class: Notes Recap, Bell Work 6 & 7, Boardwork - Relative vel. & Ch. 3 MP, Lab Prep.

HW: MP Ch. 3, AP Classroom Progress Check, Angled Launch Pre-Lab

Mon. 1/20: No School - MLK Day

Day 10, Tues. 1/21: No School

Day 11, Wed. 1/22: No School

Day 12, Thurs. 1/23:

Due: Angled Launch Pre-Lab

In Class:  Lab - Angled Projectile

HW: Lab Quiz corrections, Labs 4-5 (and Demo), MP Ch. 3

Day 13, Fri. 1/24:

Due: Lab Quiz corrections, Labs - 2D Motion

In Class: Lab discussion, Lab Quiz - 2D Motion, review for test

HW: Study for test 1, MP Ch. 3, AP Progress Check

Day 14, Mon. 1/27:

Due: Progress Check, MP Ch. 3

In Class: Lab quiz corrections, review for test

HW: Study for test 1

Day 15, Tues. 1/28:

Due: Study for test 1

In Class: Test #1 - Kinematics

HW: EdPuzzle - Dynamics - 1. Types of Forces