Due: EdPuzzle
In Class: Bell Work 1, Notes Recap, MP Ch. 8
HW: MP Ch. 8,EdPuzzle - Rotation - 2. Torque
Day 30, Monday, 2/24:
Due: EdPuzzle
In Class: Bell Work 2, Notes Recap, Lab - Rotational Equilibrium, MP Ch. 8
HW: MP Ch. 8
Day 31, Tuesday, 2/25
Due: MP Ch. 8
In Class: Bell Work 3, Notes Recap, Lab Quiz - Rotational Equilibrium, MP Ch. 7
HW: EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Moments of Inertia of Inertia of Rigid Objects with Shape, EdPuzzle - Flipping Physics - Parallel Axis Theorem Example, MP Ch. 7
Day 32, Wednesday, 2/26:
Due: EdPuzzle
In Class: Bell Work 4, Notes Recap, Lab - Newton’s 2nd Law of Rotation, MP Ch. 7
HW: MP Ch. 7, EdPuzzle - Rotation - 3. Rotational Dynamics
Day 33: Thursday, 2/27:
Due: Lab, EdPuzzle
In Class: Bell Work 5, Lab Discussion, Board Work, MP Ch. 7
HW: MP Ch. 7, Prepare for Lab Quiz
Day 34, Friday, 2/28:
Due: Prepare for Lab Quiz
In Class: Bell Work 6, Lab Quiz - Torque & Rotational Dynamics, MP Ch. 7
HW: Study for Test, MP Ch. 7, Progress Check
Day 35, Monday, 3/3:
Due: MP Ch. 7
In Class: Bell Work 7, Review for Test
HW: Progress Check
Day 36, Tuesday, 3/4:
Due: Study for Test
In Class: Test 3 - Rotational Motion
HW: EdPuzzle - Work & Energy - 1.